Astronomy Trivia!

Everything about our UNIVERSE.
Stars, planets, nebulae, galaxies, constellations and a lot more!

Part 1: Multiple Choice

Which star is nearest to our sun?

The rapid expansion and then explosion of a red giant is called a:

Which nearby galaxy will merge with the Milky Way galaxy in a few (billion) years?

Which planet has the largest ocean?

Which star is the Alpha Ursae Minoris?

Which constellation represents a hunter and weapons?

Where is the coldest place in the universe?

What is at the center of the Milky Way galaxy?

Which constellation holds the hottest place in the universe?

Part 2: Free Response

Nebulae are found in the regions of space between the?

Which nebula is located in the sword of a great hunter?

Some nebulae are so dense and filled with diverse gases that they absorb all emissions coming out of them. What are they called?

At the end of a star's life, it may often emit gases and dust creating a nebula of ionized particles. Despite the name being given in error, what are these nebulae called?

What accounts for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe?

What do scientists call the disk that encircles a back hole?

What is a highly magnetized rotating neutron star?

What do scientists call a massive release of plasma from the sun?

How many constellations are there?

What are the most powerful magnets in the universe?